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Salz, a running back on Texas A&M University’s football team, is believed to be only the second Shabbat-observant NCAA Division I football player in history, and the first in about 15 years.
"In one of my classes this year, a student saw my Magen David necklace and asked me if I killed any babies" - David S. - Western University Student
"Being a Jewish student on campus has been a challenge this year. Our professors and student unions have promoted an anti-Jewish and anti-western ideology that targets Jewish and Canadian values.
After being bullied for wearing my displaying my Judaism on campus I learned to be a proud Jew and never shy away from my Jewish roots. While the Jewish community suffers hardships we have united and grown." - Michael. M - York Student
“Although I'm a proud Jew, over the past few months I've been afraid to show my pride on campus." - Rachel, Queens Student